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As a child, I had an extensive book collection that I turned into my own personal library,complete with its very own library card, which I forcefully issued to my sister and brother. They played along, begrudgingly, but they preferred Barbies and Nerf guns over books. While they rode their bikes through the neighborhood, I traveled to Narnia, explored secret gardens, and befriended the Indian in the Cupboard. Soon I began creating worlds of my own, filled with new friends brought to life with just the stroke of a pen (take that Dr. Frankenstein).


My passion for reading developed into a passion for writing, and after a long, arduous journey speckled with detours, I found my way to an MFA program and dove headfirst into the extensive workshops. Not only did I love bringing my own stories to life, but I loved reading the stories of my peers, sharing my insight, and helping them obtain a polished, publish-ready story of their own.

About Me: About Me
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